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The Bomnaegol story of Ongsimi with bobbed hair

Ongsimi with cold outside
but warm inside,
Potato Ongsimi

cold outside and warm inside personality
Unlike ordinary country single women,
Ongsimi is tricky and indifferent to her
surroundings somehow offensive. As she
thinks of Ggaebok as her assistant, she
sometimes grumbles to him, but also takes
care of something to eat for him. It is clear
that the source of self-esteem comes
from her wicked bobbed hair.

Ggaeboki, a timid
but thoughtful little boy and girl
Black sesame Ongsimi

Ggaeboki, with dark skin and smoothness, thinks Ggeongsimi thinks he is her best friend. Sometimes he looks silly as he strolled around the village, but he is a warm-hearted friend who takes good care of the people around him.

Curious mischievous three colors,
Three-color Ongsimi
(Danbaki, Geumchi, Beet)

Triplet three colors
They are a vital part of the quite Bomnaegol village. Standing out every day and playing jokes without getting tired, they have become the mascots of Bomnaegol village because of their colorful appearance.

A warm-hearted grandmother,
Buckwheat Ongsimi

A warm-hearted buckwheat grandmother with big hands, always take good care of neighbors in Bomnaegol. She holds a village feast by preparing a large amount of food with rice grown personally. A buckwheat grandmother has a warm sensibility, telling that she feel full when watching the sight of neighbors and their children happily eating her preparing food.

Benevolent rich grandfather
Rice Ongsimi

Bomnaegol’s old rice grandfather always greets children with a kind smile. Triplet three colors are at play. He is a true old man in this era who laughs out even if children break a jar in the yard.